måndag 22 december 2014

December 22

New made pillows for Christmas 
one knitted in wool and two in linnen 
it dosen´t take that much time
I used needles no 10 for the knitting and I sewed a wool fabrice on the back
the red linnen ones takes only a few moments to sew,
I put tufts of the wool in the corners of one of them 
and sew two rows of ribbon on the other one  

Now it is only two days to Christmas 
I have had such fun in December preparing for Christmas
it is the best part of Christmas, December
buying and rapping presents 
making presents and small dekoration
baking and listening to good old Christmas songs
visting and participating in Christmas markets 
all the decorations in town and window displays

I hope you are enjoying your preparations :)
Have a great day
Hugs Sif  

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