And finally the Tea Party:)
The dining room decorated for Alice in Wonderland
Welcome to our party
Welcome to our party
At both sides all the different chairs
my two new painted and the others that are our own
some that Leo has designed
Big playing cards as a drape
Sweet little birdcages with butterflies
and a bunting with Sweet 16
To the right the chair that Sunna renovated last year
The keys that I bought at Eva´s flea market, love them:))
and a road indicator I made with vasabi tape, the text is printed from the computer on white papper
and cut as arrows, very simple:)
the clocks on the wall are also printouts
More playing cards and more keys
For weeks I was on a mission looking for tecups
and I wanted to have all different
and I wanted to have all different
look what treasures I found, some I already had :)
and the name tags where perfect to each set
and the name tags where perfect to each set
Beautiful sweet sixteens
Somethings sweet to eat
Sunna did bake all the cakes herself
meringue cake made with brown sugar and sweet macaroons
a chocolate cake with one sweet strawberry
and a raw cake with no sugar, wheat or yeast, delicious
And of course we had some tea:)
we hade a variations of teas so the girls could find something that they like
Everybody was happy
Sunna got the party she wanted
the guests liked the make-believe world they where invited to
and they loved Sunnas cakes and the variety of teas
and I got to play a little creating this world
Thank you for stopping by
Take some sweets in your life with a cup of tea:)
Hugs Sif
En skemmtileg og vel heppnuð þemahugmynd!
SvaraRaderaÞvílíkt hugmyndarflug :)
SvaraRaderaKnús Anna Sigga