tisdag 20 augusti 2013


Beautiful things, not quite the style we have at home but I can like it anyways :)
I like the drawer  on the left, what do you think?  
Adorable, I would almost want it for my workroom !;)
This is the Chic Antique booth 

I was at Formex on saturday, I like going there, it is very inspiring, I got home full of ideas and a desire to create and make:)
I ordered some very nice pearls and stones for my necklaces and bracelets    
Will by such fun when I´ll get them :)

Have a very nice day and thank you for visiting 
Hugs Sif

2 kommentarer:

  1. Ó Gvöð hvað þetta er rómó <3
    Anna Sigga

  2. Væri til í kommóðuna efst til vinstri :)
    Anna Sigga
