Last Saturday it was raining like crazy in the afternoon, it was
kind a nice, I was sitting in my glass veranda with a cup of tea and a magazine,
the rain poring down outside and singing on the roof.
This wonderful blue cup was my grandmothers and now its mine, filling
me with nostalgia, I love it.
And joining my blue cup is my new blue cake dish that I made while
the rain poured outside. I was very effective in the rain, made two cake dishes, I will post
the other one soon and I also made a few bracelets, I will show them to you
Thank you for stopping by today
Hugs Sif
Kökudiskarnir þínur eru svooooo fallegir!
SvaraRaderaÞetta er æði. Hlýnar um hjartaræturnar að sjá bollana <3
Anna Sigga