tisdag 25 augusti 2015

Dinner in the evening sun

What can be better then enjoying your barbecue dinner 
with great friends in your garden on a sunny Saturday evening 
This time I used my beautiful Icelandic blueberry servetts
and of course some sweet roses:)

I hope the the sun is shining on  you to:)
Hugs Sif

måndag 24 augusti 2015

Beautiful roses 5

Here are theses sweet roses on my bedside table on this fantastic hand embroidered little cloth
that a 85 years old mother to a friend of mine made, amazing work
it´s the first thing I see in the morning, nice :)

have a nice day:)
hugs Sif

lördag 15 augusti 2015

Beautiful roses 4

When you are making a bouquet of flowers there is always a small branch that brakes,
don´t throw them, put them in small vases and bottles and put them together :)

Happiness is all-around my
upstairs - downstairs 
here the happiness is on my black shelf upstairs:)

Have a great day
hugs Sif

lördag 8 augusti 2015

Beautiful roses 3

Such a joy of colors in my dining room 
here the roses are accompanied by the flowers of spiraea and lady´s mantle 

Have a great weekend
Hugs Sif

fredag 7 augusti 2015

Beautiful roses 2

Roses are red my love....
roses are pink my love 
violets are blue:)

I love having these roses in my hall welcoming me home:)
Thank your for stopping by today
Hugs Sif

onsdag 5 augusti 2015

Beautiful roses 1

Just beautiful:)

Now the gardens are full of roses and some get to come in for a visit :)

söndag 2 augusti 2015

A visit to HAY Copenhagen

The other week we went for a visit to Copenhagen 
 I love that city, we like to visit every summer:)
And of course we visit the HAY store
You just want to move in there:)
I don't thing that there is a thing in that shop that I don't want!

If you are for a visit in Copenhagen make sure that you visit this shop:)
It is on the main street Ströget or more specific Östergade 

Have a great time
Hugs Sif