fredag 27 juni 2014


We did not only have snaps for Midsummer 
we also hade this delicious strawberry cake  
played some games and went for a walk 
and we hade the traditional herring 
what a feast :)

Thank you for stopping by :)
Hugs Sif

tisdag 24 juni 2014

Snaps for midsummer

For midsummer I made a snaps to take to the Midsummer celebration with the family 
I hade this cute little bottle and put on a homemade label 
middsommar snaps 2014

peel of lime
4 leafs of sage
leave to next day

remove the peel and leaves after ca 14-20 hours so that the snaps won´t get bitter


Thank you for stopping by today
Hava a nice time
Hugs Sif

torsdag 5 juni 2014

Sunna´s Prom

Sunna has only few days left of elementary scholl
and last night they had their prom
it was lika a fairytale 
so much beautiful kids, they where so elegant and grown up:)

A bunch of parents have spent hours and hours planning this evening
and finally the fun begun with the decoration 
this is how the school transformed in two days for one night

The entrance on a ordinary school day

welcome beautiful girls to the prom

 the hall everyday

prom night 

the lounge on a ordinary day

on prom night 

moms at work

and this is how the
 scholl´s dining room looks like every day 

this is how it looked like last night



the discotheque in the morning 

the discotheque in the evening

the outside area 

This was an emotional evening for the kids, only few days left after 10 years together,
and then it is summer vacation and everyone goes off to different  adventures
In the fall they will be all over the city in different high schools 
and life will take them in different directions 

It was an evening where they took a fun walk down memory lane
with speeches and laughter
singing and dancing   

Good luck to all of you in the grow up world,
with whatever you choose to do

Do not underestimate parent power
we do anything for our children,
this is what bunch of parents can do
we are very proud of our prom work
and we are extremely proud of our children

thank you for stopping by:)
Hugs Sif 

söndag 1 juni 2014

Flee Market near you

A friend of mine is selling a lot of stuff at a flea market nearby, that her father has been collecting all his life, it is just amazing how much stuff he had
this is just a tiny little bit off it all  

If you are in to old stuff you should pay her a visit and here neighbors 
at Vårberg Loppis
I mean just look at this

My treasures from the flea market
Last year Leo and I went for a visit to this little village Bodafors
and I saw these wonderful little old keys and I fell in love
and look what I found at my friends flea market
my one little keys:))))
and this little beautiful box that once belonged to some Greta Ericsson 
who was she and what was in the box?

Of corse I don´t need this old iron, but how cute isn't´t here on my planting table 
with this old beautiful dustpan

Thank you for stopping by at my place today
Hope you are having a great day
hugs Sif