söndag 25 augusti 2013

Setting the table


                                                    On a hot sunday afternoon in august  
   we are getting ready for a barbecue dinner in the glass veranda 
    we are 100% enjoying the this late summer warm weather  
We have been working on a crazy project in the garden today
   we are making a mosaic table and it is a crazy work with many many pieces
and it is taking many many hours 
Hopefully ready before the frost :)

 I hope you are enjoying your sunday
Thank you for stopping by
Hugs Sif

4 kommentarer:

  1. Æðisleg litasamsetning og rörbútarnir eru æði!

  2. Dásamlega fallegir litir.
    Flott eins og alltaf :)
    Knús í hús
    Anna Sigga

    1. Þakka þér fyrir:) mér finnst þessir litir svo flottir saman

  3. Já kertastjakarnir eru flottir, maðurinn minn kom með þá heim úr ferðalagi:)
